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Saturday, September 8, 2012

Curried Chicken

This is the  curried chicken I often mention in my blogs.I  make  this frequently and  is loved by the whole family.This recipe can be adjusted according to your palate.Be generous with the spices If you prefer the curry more  spicy or else be kind enough  to  reduce the fiery stuff.Its all in your hands how you want to pamper your taste buds.
These are the ingredients  you need to make this scrumpious curried chicken.

Chicken about 8-10 pieces (washed and  neatly cut with the bones)
I medium sliced onion
1 medium tomato chopped
3-4 cloves of garlic chopped
A piece of ginger chopped
1 teaspoon cummin seeds
2 tablespoon curry powder ( available in Asian supermarkets)
1/2 teaspoon turmeric powder
A sprig of curry leaves
A cup of water
2 tablespoon oil
2 tablespoon tomato paste
salt to taste
Juice of half a lemon
Yoghurt ( optional)

Heat oil in pan.Add the sliced  onion and cook till it turns pale.Add the cummin seeds,ginger and garlic.When the aroma  starts wafing  through your nostrils ,turn in the chopped tomatoes,curry leaves and cook for a minute or two.Blend  in the curry powder and the turmeric powder with the ingredients thats being cooked.Then carefully place  the chicken pieces into it.Add  salt and water and mix well.Cook till the chicken is tender.Lastly add the tomato paste and the lemon juice.Simmer till the gravy thickens a little.
Delicious with Rice/ Bread/Chapattis .

Tip: Here's where the yoghurt comes in handy
*You can add yoghurt instead of the water.
*You can mix in 2-3   tablespoons of yoghurt into the curry to reduce the spiciness.
*Simple make a yoghurt sauce as an accompaniment

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