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Friday, May 30, 2014

Low Fat Dessert

Being a diabetic,I decided to create a dessert so that it  will not bring about a spike in my sugar levels.This is a low fat,low  carb dessert,which I created recently.I used jaggery and date paste for mild sweetness.It is very light and healthy.All the same,eating in moderation is recommended.

10 gram  agar agar china moss/grass
1 litre low fat milk
½ cup jaggery scrapped
1 cup date paste
½ tsp cardamom powder
A few nuts shredded ( optional)
1 1/2  cups water

Wash and soak the china grass in water.Add milk and bring to a boil.Mix in the jaggery,date paste,cardomom.Keep stirring till the jaggery melts.Strain the contents into a pudding dish.Sprinkle shredded nuts.(optional) Keep in refrigerator to cool Cut into squares or desired shape and enjoy.


  1. Sounds like something I would try. Blessings, Catherine

  2. You should dear.It's very healthy.


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