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Tuesday, January 14, 2014

Fancy Fruit Cake Dessert

I made fruit cake using  Betty Crocker's chocolate cake mix as the base.It came out delicious as excitedly vouched by my family.I threw in a lot of dried fruits and a combination of nuts.I had made extra as I had planned to join some friends for a potluck but unfortunately had to cancel our get together due to unavoidable circumstances. Suddenly I was left with too much of cake.I was wondering what to do with the additional which was now neatly tucked away in an airtight container in the refrigerator.After  a few days wrecking my brains what to do, I decided to make use of it in a new dessert. Previously I  had made a  dessert using  crumbled cookies as the base of the pudding.This time I used the cake and topped  it with a  thick creamy custard. It was heavenly. Every bit was deliciously savored.

I used almost the same ingredients that I had used for my semolina custard pudding but instead of crumbled cookies I used  the cake.
I used the fruit cake as the base of my pudding
My son digging into the dessert.

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